"Cash lies on his back on the earth, his head raised on a rolled garment. His eyes are closed, his face is gray, his hair plastered in a smooth smear across his forehead as though done with a paint brush. His face appears sunken a little, sagging from the bony ridges of eye sockets, nose, gums, as though the wetting had slacked the firmness which had held the skin full; his teeth, set in pale gums, are parted a little as if he had been laughing quietly. He lies pole-thin in his wet clothes, a little pool of vomit at his head and a thread of it running from the corner of his mouth and down his cheek where he couldn't turn his head quick or far enough, until Dewey Dell stoops and wipes it away with the hem of her dress."
William Faulkner / As I Lay Dying
And now, after spreading these out for as many months as I could, in order to savor them more fully, come the last eight in my initial big batch of Nineteen-Seventies Music Celebrity Anti-Drug PSAs. At least until I finally break down and put up the Mel Blanc ones. Being the crown jewels of that collection-I keep putting off the Blanc ones, but we'll get them up sometime this year.
We begin with dear George Carlin, and one of the best of all of my Anti-Drug messages. Who better to lay it on the line in basic terms for the 'kids'? And of course we have at least one here who sounds like he recorded the spot on animal tranquilizers, rather dulling the effectiveness.
All together this will make 36 PSAs in this category, so if you like these, track back through my posts to get the whole set, as they're a great party stopper/enhancer.
And the MP3s: George Carlin Jackson Browne George Chambers Billy Cobham Deep Purple Lamont Dozier Bev Bevan (of ELO) David Essex
Didn't listen to all of them but Carlin's & Davis Essex's are against "hard drugs", Jackson Browne (who should know) speaks out against using "smack", so to call these "anti-drug" announcements in the post-Nancy Reagan "Just Say No" sense is dead wrong.
These are ads by people that everyone knows smoke weed & use other drugs, & who gain their credbibility from that fact, denouncing heroin/methamphetamine use, aka "death drugs" in hippie parlance.
The best quote of this ilk is of course Abbie Hoffman's "The only dope worth shooting is Nixon."
Posted by: buford puser | March 20, 2010 at 07:04 PM
Thanks, good stuff as usual. I love how the hippy dope heads like to act all hysterical about other drugs, saying they'll "kill you", etc, but then they try to turn around and say "oooh, but my personal favorite drug, weed, is a beneficial herb, man"... lol. I would like to see all drugs legalized except marijuana, just because of this ridiculous hypocrisy of the weed addicts. Most heroine junkies who are also cigarette smokers say that cigarettes are harder to quit than heroine. All the crap about "hard drugs" is no more true than reefer madness, i.e. there is a grain of truth to it but mostly it's just propaganda. p.s. People who do drugs are morons, especially people that smoke weed are the dumbest of all, I find cocaine users generally much more lucid and intelligent than smoked out hippies. Peace.
Posted by: Alistair | March 21, 2010 at 02:42 AM
I think you all should be in the unv, as secretary, so you'll get faster to your goal!
Posted by: you don't smell good | March 21, 2010 at 07:36 AM
or maybe you should invest on mexican dead people, like your friends, do a video on cut heads, denonce it and drink blood from the dead people, like you do in your underground rituals..fanatic of bloody rituals, like that you'll be all winner.
We fuck canaria gaffar, alister crawley and the unv here!
Posted by: really you've got the worst smile ! | March 21, 2010 at 12:52 PM
Do you have the psa by Fee Waybill of the Tubes ?
I'm not making that up. I did hear this one.
Posted by: j | March 21, 2010 at 08:18 PM
Where did the George Carlin PSA actually come from? Was it on an actual promo lp for radio?
Posted by: M | March 22, 2010 at 12:33 AM
The Carlin one, as well as the rest are from a radio-only vinyl lp from a series called "Get Off" (!), I'd love to get some more of 'em, but only ever saw the one copy that they used to have at KZSC. And, sorry, no Fee Waybill.
Posted by: Mindwrecker | March 22, 2010 at 10:58 AM
Yes, the Blanc ones would be much appreciated. You wouldn't happen to have any Groucho? "One morning I shot heroin in my pajamas. How it got in my pajamas ...?"
Posted by: IlluminatedMan | March 24, 2010 at 09:49 PM