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April 30, 2010



Great stories, thanks! BTW, what happened to part deux? Or is that part of the nonlinearity Braxton is talking about...

Bob Selcoe

Hey Tom - I WAS THERE! I was "the young guy" - high school trumpet/flute player from NJ. Hope you recall. Anyway, this brings back memories! Don't remember the "bone dude" episode, but similar ones with Anthony do ring a bell. I remember that march, though - that shit's still hard...

BTW - I've kept in touch (though not too recently) w/Dan Plonsey. I think he mentioned you're also in the Bay area? BTW2- I'm still playing some w/Karl - you should keep in contact w/him. Ted & I are in the current CMS Orchestra, along with a bunch of others from the good ol' days, some you might recall - Peter Apfelbaum, Peter Buettner, Bill Ylitalo, Don Davis, John Lindberg, Tom Schmidt, Sylvain Leroux, Tom Collins - others join periodiclally. If you ever get back to Woodstock, former CMS participants are welcome to join, space permitting.

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Don Davis

MANY.many fond memories of CMS from 1975 and on. We had an ensemble with Anthony Braxton called :"The BLUE Zone" ensemble. Also,I helped write(copy) some of the charts that were used for these concerts. Still get to some shows with Karl and others form the CMS days. I will be playing with the Microscopic Septet in NYC in May. (Gershwin Hotel 5/2 and Joes Pub on 5/30) Hope to cross paths one of these days! Don Davis

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