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May 15, 2010



Tom - The part of Broadway, which you are on, is on the edge of Land Park (upper middle class residential), Oak Park (working class/low income residential) and the Grid (midtown/downtown mixed income/use). Up the street is a graveyard and next to that a housing project. Broadway in the teens/twenties is pretty much an older retail corridor (used tools, gun & bait, liquor stores, check cashing, movie theater, etc. The original Tower Records was located up the street from you), with a wealth of ethnic restaurants. Despite the record stores and ethnic food, it is not a student area. There actually is no student area in Sacramento. It is a government town. The colleges here have no or very little campus life. You have to go west to Davis for that. Anyway, either of the Thai or the Pakistani place across the street from you are good. The burger place behind you is decent and greasy. There is a burrito place down the way which is average but cheap. Enjoy!


Thanks for the info adjustment, SS!

untraditional or the ONE is traditional

waow! they all seem wearing a big beast cover of dust and signs!
so traditional!
Do Oakland look like a beatnik museum (or a super traditionalist casttle)?
They could be a little more modern in jazz...


Hi Tom! thank for posting the photo of Instagon. This was actually Instagon session #538. 583 is a bit down the road still . Instagon is actually a little more conceptual than just a "different line-up"..the name is a description of the happening. Its a band formed using Chaos Theory.. (you might remember Chaos Theory.. it had a short lived stardom in the 1990's for a moment) the idea behind the project is harnessing spontaneous improvisation in a ritual fashion....regularly the players have no idea who they will be playing with until arrival.. not only a different lineup.. but regularly very different combination of instruments too... no 2 shows every are the same.. every outing is an experience for the band AND the audience...once it happens it is over and gone seemingly in an instant. hence, Instagon. Currently Instagon boasts having over 540 players as part of our membership.. its not just a band.. its a club. It also moves across genres regularly as well.. playing jazz, metal, noise, garage, gothic, ambient, rock, fusion, truly varies depending on the gig. Often the gig is booked, and the band is formed to fit the gig. (like the one you saw yesterday) I wish i could have spoken with you and given you a little more personal insight as to the hows and why's behind my experiment in chaos theory that has been happening for over 17 years now.. next time say hi! I only got to catch a short portion of your set, as i was clearing the stage i was on for the next act.. but it was very interesting and moody. thanks for coming to Sacramento and performing, and for the documentation of the event too!! - Lob, Instagon


A slew of videos from the festival has been posted here:

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