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May 26, 2010


Brian Turner

Sorry to report the Fall did an about-face on broadcast for Friday, everybody.

Neil deMause

Now there's a shocker.

Not to complain about a fantastic lineup, but any chance Superchunk's set turns up at any point? I was really hoping they'd make the final cut.

Brian Turner

Hey Neil, Superchunk are recorded, but have asked to hear it before airing. We hope if we cannot bring it this weekend, we will in the near future on WFMU.


That's a real pity about The Fall, don't suppose they'll change their mind?

Neil deMause

Thanks, Brian! I'll keep my fingers crossed...

David Rothblatt

Don't miss Cal Pep, love that place! What a tremendous lineup, will be locked in... enjoy!


Is there any chance you'll be able to record and transmit Low's set, perhaps at a later date?

cheers from the Netherlands :-)

Stuart Page

Can you record The Fall discretely?

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