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May 29, 2010


crack smoker

he's rocking the Hurley "unit"


This just made my crappy, leaking roof at home, 'at work on memorial day weekend' day - thank you very, very much!

Jeffersonic (DSK)

That was fun to watch. I can't help but wonder if that guy has a touch of Tourette's Syndrome. I kept wishing the rest of the band could match his intensity somehow or something. However, I don't mean to sound like it wasn't totally great 'cause it was:Totally Great!

We Willy

We think that his grandpappy must have played bass for Reg Kehoe and his Marimba Queens. Watch here:
Our hero is also featured on the Allnighters version of "Wipeout" here:


Wow, that bass player is really good!


awesome post as always, brian


Wow, check out the windmill action at 2:55! By the drummer!


This is a big hit at Huffington Post as of June 4. No attribution of course.


Check this out:

The guy's name is Steve Moore. A head-banger drummer trapped in the reincarnation of Chris Farley...

doris nadalin

rock on

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