On Memorial Day, Monday, 5/31, DJ/Rupture and Trent will be collaborating on a solar-powered broadcast at New York City's High Line, with the help of green energy education center Solar One. Listen from 7 to 10 PM and later -- Hatch takes over at 10 -- or stop by in person for this free event.
Photographer Janette Beckman, known for her captivating portraits of punk rock and hip-hop icons, and publisher Sara Rosen (American Youth, Who Shot Rock & Roll) both come to Coffee Break For Heroes & Villains on Tuesday to talk with Noah and share their favorite 12" sides. Tuesday 6/1, 9 AM - 12 PM (fill-in for Jason Sigal).
On Friday, Billy Jam hosts a 1980s-technology-themed Put the Needle On the Record. He welcomes Jason Bitner, curator of How I Met Your Motherboard: Tales of Early Computing; Dave Tompkins, author of this new book about vocoders; and Dutch musical instrument maker Felix Visser, who will phone in from the Netherlands to discuss his company Synton, manufacturer of the Syntovox. 6/4, 3 to 6 PM.
Songwriter Mark Bacino joins Michael Shelley on Saturday 6/5, from 11 AM to 1 PM, to discuss his album "Queens English," newly released on DreamCrush. Here is Mark's blog.
Lastly, I'll share the archived material that most moved me in the past week -- Pavement's live set at Primavera Sound, which I listened to at work, far far away from Iberia. (This link takes you through all the sets WFMU was permitted to archive from the first day, including Mission of Burma, Monotonix, the New Pornographers, Wilco, and Wire.) Many of these archived sets will be up for only a short time, so listen if you haven't already, and do read the playlist comments for a lovey virtual-festival experience.
Access archives for any on-air event that has already passed via the show's "Playlists and Archives" page. http://wfmu.org/playlists
More info on the week's happenings can be found in the list of WFMU's Upcoming Special Programs.
Re: Billy Jam's show, I used to listen to a show called Pocket Calculator on shortwave blowtorch WTBQ. Entire shows were just recordings of these guys shopping on Canal Street looking for swatch watches and Walkmans and boomboxes. It would be fun to hear those programs again. http://pocketcalculatorshow.com/
Posted by: Dale | June 01, 2010 at 09:42 AM