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June 30, 2010



"The PPCA recently won increased payments from nightclubs, too, and says it is now looking into proposing original-music tariffs for shopping malls and funeral parlors." -Wall Street Journal

Wow, what a bunch of vampires. It goes to show, though, that when they market bland pop music, it is fairly easy to produce bland knock-offs.


That's a choice pulled quote, Nicholas. Shaking down funeral parlors for royalties sounds pretty depressing. But I'd be morbidly curious to hear Knock-Off Music For Funeral Parlors: The Album


If they start charging for use in funeral parlors, maybe it will bring back a renaissance for Funeral Durges?

Luigi of "Programmi Gratis"

I would like to record and distribute some good music for free. When I was a musician (some year ago) I always focussed on the deep communication playing live could give, nothing else.
Unfortunately, I don't use to play my beloved guitar anymore and I lost almost my whole technique... :-(
I wish you all the best for your Creative Commons' Art Career!

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