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June 22, 2010



Good news indeed-- I was contacted about this release last year when I did some posts about Dear Friends episodes ( ) and the proprietor wanted to know who to contact at WFMU in order to get the word out. So it was YOU! Anyhoo---I'm tickled to death that it's really going to happen- these shows are so good; great news that they will become more available. As for not back-announcing- lordy--how I wish I could've avoided that chore many a time!!

bruce edwards

# 1 on your list, "Pearl Harbor Blues" is by Lightnin Hopkins. It appears under the title "December 7, 1941" on the album "The Lost Blues Masters".

Taylor Jessen

OK, Bruce E., I think we have a winner (although I'm thinking the source LP is actually probably the various artists LP "Soul...In The Beginning" on AVCO, 1970). Email me at the address I listed above and we can work out shipping details. (Contestants, please contact me first at the email above rather than the comments section - I check my email regularly, the comments section less so.)


I dont know if they still do but they would play these on satellite radio.

The Orginal WyldMAN

Can't tell you how many times at UGA we would go to one dorm room about 10 of us on and listen to these guys absolutely "stoned" out of our GORD.

paul lindblad

so is this record of soap opera music cues available as a cd or mp2 download anywhere, and was it commercially available as a record?

Taylor Jessen

The soapy cues all came from "Soap Symphony" on Capitol (I see three copies on eBay as I type)...

Dave Scott

Hurdy Gurdy Man sounds like Richie Havens to me. Damned if I can find anything on the interwebs about it, though.


Thanks to Firesign Theatre’s archivist Taylor Jessen. He did his best.

Firesign Theatre Radio Hour make this summer very happy to spend.

Thanks for the update in this blog.



This is so great! :D Also thanks to Sophia for sharing that really cool movie site!

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