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June 30, 2010



It's from the awesomely surreal 1963 bicycle safety film called "One Got Fat".

Listener Greg G.

Jen - wow, that was quick! Thanks for clueing me in. I knew somebody around here would have the answer.



dr dog used it a few years ago, too


Sounds positively terrible. Couldn't even make it past the cheesy into...


An L.A. band called LA Riots used it too:


It's been a RiffTrax short done by MST3K too.

Henry Coy

Don't forget Boards of Canada's version...


But have you seen Wet Illustrated's latest music video? They made Spud Webbs(the guy that was under 6 feet tall for anybody that dont know who he is) amazing 1986 Slam Dunk Competiion win into some weird psychedelic collage.

Here it is

Derek "Liz" Taylor

" the most addictive music video I've seen in years, maybe ever..."

I know it's the internet and all, but would someone at WFMU
please turn down the knob on the exaggeration control re-fobulator?

Out of control hyperbole should be reserved for true
works of musical art...not for some meandering cowboy song
with some lame-o remixed ape masks splattered over it.

Dinobyte ...

the original bike short was recently shown on TCM as well.

Listener Greg G.

" the most addictive music video I've seen in years, maybe ever..."

> would someone at WFMU please turn down the knob on the exaggeration control re-fobulator?

Fair enough, perhaps I did get a little carried away. That was probably the egregious overstatement I made all day yesterday....maybe ever.


Greg G did you like the Spud Web video its a lot more original?


Wow.... this clip is also used by a band called, "Insect Guide" from their 2007 debut CD/DVD "6 Feet In Love". I haven't seen/heard the other artist's who used the clip, but I think it fits in perfect with the Insect Guide's overall feel. Give the band a listen while watching their DVD (which is totally brilliant!!). Their whole package has a very surreal feel to it.


I just gave the other YouTube clips posted here a quick showing and for me personally I think the Insect Guides use of the clip works the best. Maybe it's because I saw that one first.

Listener Greg G.

> Greg G did you like the Spud Web video its a lot more original?

No offense, but that one didn't really do as much for me as it did for you. What can I say....I'm more of a bike riding kind of guy, I guess.


The clip is also used in a youtube video by foolishslug for Boston Spaceships' Winstons Atomic Bird.


Sheesh... Video was OK. Maybe not the penultimate, but quite OK. What I enjoyed was the music. Hadn't known the band before, just watched a couple of their vids on YouTube, and ended up ordering a couple of their CD's a few minutes ago. "Cheesy intro"? "Meandering cowboy song"? Well, this one worked for me. Thanks for the introduction, Greg. - Wolf

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