Good news from Cupertino... Version 2.1 of WFMU's iPhone app has just hit the App store after a relatively short time in app-review-purgatory and it's jam packed with lots of great new features. You can get it for free here.
Our latest updates include:
- Live commenting: communicate with other iphone listeners or people tuned it at (Please note that not all DJs enable live commenting on their shows).
- Offline listening: podcasts and archives can now be downloaded for listening offline. Perfect for subway rides, road trips or air travel. Downloads are only enabled when connected via wifi.
- scrobbling: either auto-scrobble all songs that play or scrobble individual tracks on a one off basis
- Twitter + Facebook integration for sharing songs and shows
- iOS4 background play for newer iphones. Older phones can still play in the background via Safari.
- DJ Trent's Tiesto-izer™ - through the magic of DSP adds perfectly beat matched rave-tastic euro grooves to any track playing*
Along with various bug fixes and tweaks we've also thrown in an easter-egg**: shake the main on-demand screen and you'll get a random archive or podcast. All of the above comes on top of all our existing features like dvr-like rewinding of our live streams, purchasing your favorite tracks from iTunes, Station News, Upcoming Specials, Beware of the Blog, WFMU's twitter stream and adjustable buffer settings.
If you don't already have the WFMU iphone app installed just head over to the app store and grab a copy. It's free.
If you are on Android we also have an app available in the marketplace however it does not yet have all the same features mentioned above. More info on that here.
* this is not really true, but if you have any more feature suggestions let us know in the comments below.
** not >really< an easter egg since we are telling you about it...