Hot pants, those mesmerizing leg-baring garments worn by young ladies in the vanguard of the youth fashion revolution of the early 1970s, jump started a lot of musical imaginations. The best known tunes on the subject probably come from James Brown, who recorded a 3 part tribute to hot pants in 1971. But my favorite ruminations on the slightly salacious topic emerged from the world of country music.
The main point of today's post is to disprove Rolling Stone's ludicrous affirmation that only James Brown could do a great song about hot pants.
Hank Sanders - Down With Hot Pants (2:04)
Leona Williams - Country Girl With Hot Pants On (2:20)Hasil Adkins - Do The Hot Pants With Me (3:12)
Dink Ringo - Hot Pants Country (2:04)
Betty Logan - I Got My Hot Pants On (1:51)
Dick Cooper - Dick Cooper's Hot Pants (2:21)
Larry Quinn & Associates - Hot Pants (2:18)
Lee Green with Mike Kerr & The Country Teardrops - Hot Pants (3:20)
Jack Bartly with Jeannie Lou And The Workingmen - Hot Pants (2:57)
Photo credit: Tom Davenport, (top of the post, on the right).
Why are there no pictures of said "hot pants"? And what in the hell is a "Dink Ringo", anyway?
Posted by: KR | August 11, 2010 at 10:51 AM
KR - I've amended that with a photo in the upper right corner of the post. As for "what's a Dink Ringo" all I can say is that it breaks my heart that I couldn't find the 45 for label scanning purposes so that you could see I didn't make it up. I gotta get organized.
Posted by: Listener Greg G. | August 11, 2010 at 11:40 AM
What, no "Who Wears Short Shorts"?
Posted by: sid | August 11, 2010 at 11:50 AM
Don't forget the song-poem trilogy sung by Dick Kent: "Hot Pants" (available on The Human Breakdown of Absurdity), "Hot Pants Plus" and (with the Lancelots) the anthemic "Hot Pants and Leather Boots that Shine"
Posted by: Andrew | August 11, 2010 at 01:19 PM
The pants are prominently mentioned as well in Dick Curless' "Chick Inspector."
Posted by: gene sculatti | August 12, 2010 at 10:42 AM
Aaaah, damn you....! I read some of the irritating article you linked to! I love James Brown, but that was written by a total muppet... and reaffirming my loathing of music journalism wasn't on toady's "to do" list...
However, wicked tuneage! I am instanly mollified
I think KR's point still stands, though: "a picture of hot pants" implies to me a photograph of two shapely buttocks plus a little bit of back and thigh. Maybe I just have a bad mind.
BTW, there's a possible answer to KR's question if we defne the words! In "Planet: Earth" a dink was a de-testosteroned male slave... and Ringo (as well as being everybody's favourite drummer) is also the Japanese word for apple, so... well... okay maybe not.
Posted by: Mogambo | August 12, 2010 at 03:33 PM
Greg, just curious: Loved the Dick Cooper song, especially. What a hoot. Did you happen to edit it for content, or was it that way on the disc?
Posted by: Marc | August 15, 2010 at 01:24 AM
Marc - no edits for content were done, it's that way on the record. Glad you liked it.
Greg G.
Posted by: Greg | August 15, 2010 at 11:46 PM