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August 11, 2010



Thanks for the inclusion, Doug - the Langston Hughes album sure is a real treat!

A short note about me cutting the album in single tracks: I found out why the folks who did the CD-research DIDN'T cut the original album only because I started it - it was a tremendous difficult work to sort out all individual poems and tracks. Often there was next to no silence, and since I'm haven't studied the literature of Langston Hughes, I had to search for single phrases at the web after I tried to hear them properly (which wasn't always that easy, considering all the jive talk and slang vocabulary).

Anyway - it's finished and I'm glad I made at least two guys...

... Lucky ;)


My latest finds:

From Turkey:

From Trinidad:

Denver Recording Guy

Love the Hughes/Mingus stuff. I've always been a big fan of Mingus and was dinking around listening to some Mingus stuff that was new to me. Thanks so much for this find and cool site all together. It's amazing to see that almost 1200 people out there are as nerdy as I am. . . Thanks!

cheryl parker

Otis Parker was my father.

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