Once upon a summer day, before humanity crawled awkwardly off of their dirt clod and into the spaceways, they dreamed of heroism and poetry and a state of grace somehow to be found out there beyond the envelope of earthly dreams. As they stumbled wildly on they sang a song to boast of their confidence, wisdom and sincerity in this terrifying endeavor. Are we smaller or larger in relation to our desire to be one with the vast black spaces?
Before we touched the outer stars and planets, there were words and images of fearful and mysterious dreams to be entered into at our peril. Some offered words of hope but mainly they lied about the sky, which was yet to envelope us in a blanket of shame at our ignorance.
Today for your DJing pleasure, we present a few old outer-space motion picture introductions, of the sort that we heard again and again, blending into a mantra of our future 'command' of the outer vastnesses.
I hope you enjoy these snippets of innocent science scheming and dreaming.
The four MP3s:
The Angry Red Planet intro Earth vs. the Flying Saucers intro Forbidden Planet intro Tobor the Great intro
Awesome! I love these old sci-fis, thanks for posting!
Posted by: Kevin | August 08, 2010 at 10:05 AM
War of the Worlds!
Posted by: Richard Brandt | August 10, 2010 at 10:37 AM
And no, that picture isn't phallic at all.
Posted by: Richard Brandt | August 10, 2010 at 10:38 AM
No, it's not phallic; obviously that ray gun was inspired by a visit to the Hayden Planetarium. It's a pair of Zeiss star projectors flanking a sort of atomic-powered Mighty Wurlitzer.
Posted by: Marc | August 10, 2010 at 01:35 PM
Props to the anonymous author of "Forbidden Planet" intro. So often the timelines for events are so short as to be laughable ( space 1999 anyone? ). 2100 is about right for interplanetary travel.
Posted by: K. | August 10, 2010 at 05:24 PM
hi drew, always love to read your posts, kind of interesting, weird and funny stuff... btw. anyone has audio from the robot monster from the 50's... contains some thrilling and awesome dialogues too... besides that any kind of similar posts will be highly appreciated
Posted by: bastian | August 13, 2010 at 07:11 AM
as the comment section for the other posts are closed... i would like to ask you to post some more of this great bco tunes... having collected within years nearly 40 cassettes and more than a dozen of cd/cdr's, i can't get enough of this great stuff... and sorry to say that, but bco lost some of it's most original sound since you left... never again heard such great mind blowing collages as on bobsquirt from baobab or such great decomposed tunes as on so much dancing then nothing... bco lost's a big part of it's humorous and grotesque edge...
cheers from germany
Posted by: bastian | August 13, 2010 at 07:32 AM