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August 17, 2010



Fun read but you must be out of your mind. Don't fuck with cults, pal.


I remember people complaining about gardening posts at this blog- nice segue from PsyTV to Raelians.


Raelians?...really? How cool is that though, to hang in Central Park, the Wall-Mart of weird, and check out REALaliens, who said you cant get good acid anymore. "Hey, what'd ya do tday?" "Nothin much, hung around the park, Oh yeah, I got my DNA ingested by a high priestess and sent to an alien computer for storage." "Beats me all I did was bong hits and watch the Brady Bunch all day, call me next time, dude."


Ah, I get the following day's Telecult performance now!

Uland K.

"Hey, who am I to argue with crazy people who think I should be getting laid more?"
Sheez..Gimme a break.

ALAS: The claims Raelians make are far different than nominal Christian claims. Raelians are materialists, so they believe there is some kind of physical mechanism by which all that crazy bullshit happens. Christians believe God is not bound to the rules of physics.

Go read some comic books and leave these creeps alone.


Right there at :11 you can see her cop a feel of (presumably) our humble narrator. BWAHAHAHAHA. Fuck with cults, indeed.


How cool is that though, to hang in Central Park, the Wall-Mart of weird, and check out REALaliens, who said you cant get good acid anymore.



That Go Topless link is NSFA...not safe for anyone. [insert Asian spam link here]


"Christians believe God is not bound to the rules of physics. Go read some comic books and leave these creeps alone."

I don't really understand your argument, but OK, I'll just go read some comic books about people not bound by the rules of physics.

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