WFMU is live from All Tomorrow's Parties in the Catskills on Sunday -- on 9/5 from 3 to 9 PM, hear live sets from both stages at Kutsher's country club along with DJs' play-by-play commentary. Full program schedule TBA, but we will be carrying Iggy and the Stooges, Mudhoney, T-Model Ford, Dungen, Sonic Youth, the Scientists, Kurt Vile, and more! This year's festival is curated by filmmaker Jim Jarmusch. Go here to listen to Marty McSorley's latest show, when he had ATP founder Barry Hogan on as a guest DJ.
On Brian Turner's show Tuesday, Tom Lax of Siltbreeze Records pays his annual visit to the station with his latest discoveries in the realm of (mostly) outsider musicians. Hear these exciting DIY auteurs and Lax's take on them on 8/31 from 3 to 6 PM. Here is Siltbreeze's blog (Times New Viking, Puffy Areolas, Alastair Galbraith, Harry Pussy, U.S. Girls, etc. etc.) if you're curious about it.
Overnight on Thursday night/Friday morning, Marty McSorley hosts a guest set from Spinnaface. His face is a spinna and his new release Music for the People is available for download -- check that out now. Then tune in on 9/3 from 3 to 6 AM for more.
And later tonight (Monday -- technically Tuesday 8/31 at midnight), as DJ Keili fills in for Noah, hear her talk to Youtube sensation thecomputernerd01, craftsman of song parody videos and other funny fare.
Last week, Billy Jam featured a charming interview with Roxanne Shante, plus interviews at Crate Diggers Park Jam from B+ (Brian Cross) and Grandwizzard Theodore's brother/mentor Mean Gene. If you go here, you can listen to the whole delightful program.