This weekend in NYC, there are a number of great happenings to choose from. At 1pm Saturday, Generation Records plays host to Tesco Vee's Hate Police as a freebie, and while you're at it, pick up a copy of the recently pressed Touch & Go: The Complete Hardcore Punk Zine '79-'83 book, which he'll be selling there. Published by Bazillion Points books, it includes every issue of the legendary zine and is over 500 pages long in full 8.5" X 11" format. Also in attendance will be DS/Dave Stimson, who co-wrote, edited and copied the zine along with Mr. Vee, so if you want the two of them to sign it for you, Generation would be the place to be. Check out this past week's edition of Diane's Kamikaze Fun Machine where Tesco Vee, Dave Stimson, John Brannon (photo, right), vocalist of Negative Approach and Paul Richard of Adrenalin OD were guests, with program sparked by the release of the Touch and Go collection, as well as Tony Rettman's book, "Why Be Something That You're Not" Detroit Hardcore 1979-1985". With the aforementioned guests was also Ian Christe of Bazillion Points- publishers of the Touch & Go book. Check out the archive here: we spun a bunch of (mostly midwest and east coast) hardcore, had a few laughs and heard some really great recollections, along with one or two record geek moments. Later Saturday at Santo's Party House on
Lafayette (website says 4pm but it also says Sunday-which is incorrect) is the Chronic Youth/Santos Bash with Negative Approach headlining. On that bill is the Pissed Jeans, Tesco Vee's Hate Police, Hellmouth and Mind Eraser. Other shows on Saturday: At the Acheron; Starkweather, Raw Radar War, The Communion (an upcoming guest on Wm. Berger's My Castle of Quiet program) and Panzerbastard, and at Gramercy; Exodus, Malevolent Creation, Holy Grail and Bonded By Blood.
Looking for a vacation a little further out into the future? Try this: October 22nd to the
24th in the southern California desert, there will be a 3 day Mad Max reenactment festival. Check out the details here.
Oh, you say you're a long term planner? Well, OK I've got you covered there as well. From January 24th-28th you can go on a heavy metal cruise- with, at last count, no less than 20 bands playing from Miami to Cancun and back. Roster sample: Amon Amarth, Marduk, Saxon and Trouble! 70,000 tons of metal, indeed! Happy planning!
Is watercraft like warcraft? - love the punk selection - I'm in Istanbul so I listen online
Posted by: Ian | August 28, 2010 at 09:49 AM
that heavy metal cruise looks f'n hilarious..i feel really bad for the sink & shower drains on that ship *snerk*
Posted by: brenda | August 30, 2010 at 04:33 PM