"Oh Wind / If Winter comes / Can Spring be far behind?"
The nights are getting chilly here in the mountains and the wind a-whistlin' through the pines and them whip-poor-wills a callin' brings to mind these here two old pals of mine, and here we find them a-kickin' up a mighty good wind of poetry that blows hot and cold alike just the same.
If this grabs ya, there are two other posts with more of this record here and in my Sept.
4th post.
Would you PLEASE post Adonais? Price's version is the best! THANK YOU
Posted by: John Wadsworth | November 04, 2010 at 11:24 AM
Like many people, here at Structo Towers, we listen to a lot of our music through the magic of Spotify. It wasn’t until one of the people we follow on Twitter mentioned that they were listening to T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land using the service that we even considered that it could be used for anything else.
Posted by: monarch paxar 1131 | July 31, 2012 at 04:29 AM