DIY gods Randy Randall and Dean Allen Spunt, bka No Age, will come by Marty McSorley's show to play live. Currently on tour with Pavement, No Age have impressed punk/hardcore, experimental, and indie rock fans alike with their infectious sound since 2005, and have a new album coming out soon on Sub Pop. Catch their visit with Marty in the small hours of Friday morning, 9/24 from 3 to 6 AM.
Trent welcomes electro-cumbia DJ El G, founder of ZZK Records and Zizek Club in Buenos Aires. Hear an hour-long set of his beats on Monday, 9/20, during Sound and Safe from 9 PM to midnight. Go here for a video of his now.
On Do or DIY With People Like Us, local classical composer Dave Soldier provides a live performance of his new collaboration with electronic musician Sean Hagerty (and the late Frederic Chopin): a slow version of the Minute Waltz that lasts half an hour. Also, Irene Moon and a cast from the Auk Theater will perform a musical whodunit about insects, in which each insect is a suspect in a serial murder. Wednesday, 9/22, from 7 to 8 PM.
For the second year in a row New Jersey will visit Old Jersey, as Billy Jam broadcasts live from the Branchage Film Festival in the UK's Channel Islands. His guests will include seafarer/tale teller Dominic Jones; Jersey Constable Simon Crowcroft; filmmakers Chloe Rutheun, Liz Mermin, and Simon Chambers; and musicians The Wizz, Just Muz, The Quietus, and Stanley Forbes. On Put The Needle On The Record, at a special time: Friday 9/24 from 9 AM to noon.
Finally, filmmaker Adam Pogoff will talk with Rob Weisberg about the Serbian brass band phenomenon, and treat us to some field recordings from the Dragačevo Trumpet Festival. Pogoff, who traveled to this famously raucous event with New York's Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band, is at work on a film about the experience, entitled Brasslands. Hear more of the story on Transpacific Sound Paradise, Saturday 9/25 from 6 to 9 PM!
Why have I not included a nugget of my personal liking in this weekly blog post for so long? Probably I was just waiting for this track to be broadcast. Jason Sigal went to Germany and returned last week with lots and lots of interesting music to play during his first show back. My fav selection was Peter Fox's "Schüttel Deinen Speck," and here it is.