A bit of harp lore today, in honor of my taking up harmonici last year, and also just 'cuz love these Burgess Meredith albums, specifically 'Songs and Stories of the Gold Rush'; and the mouth organ cut from, I believe, a 'How the West Was Won' tie-in lp. Not the greatest of singers, that Meredith, but what a neat personailty, and how cute is he in this old still?! So instead of my planned continued assault of Hallowe'en-y audio, a little break for buddy Burgess. Back in two weeks with something spooky, yessir.
Met Burgess Meredith at one time and was amazed at the size of this head in comparison to his body. Quite large. Got me looking at other actors and I've noticed this is the norm. Figure maybe they photo better with larger heads.
Posted by: Dat Big Cheeze | October 16, 2010 at 07:19 PM
Meredith was good friends with John Lilly, who invented the flotation (i.e., sensory deprivation) tank. According to at least one source, Burgess spent more than 24 hrs. inside one while under the influence of powerful hallucinogens.
Posted by: Jim | October 17, 2010 at 02:16 PM
So instead of my planned continued assault of Hallowe'en-y audio, a little break for buddy Burgess. Back in two weeks with something spooky, yessir.
Posted by: ffxiv gil | October 17, 2010 at 11:38 PM
Hey, Burgess was in 4 episodes of the Twilight Zone- that's spooky enough for me!
Posted by: Listener Greg | October 18, 2010 at 03:41 PM
Fun comments--! Yup, TZ veteran- good point, I just showed the episode "The Obsolete Man to my girlfriend the other night and she was appropriately weirded out by the direction in that one. It's not Great TZ, but Burgess is so neat in it and I love the conceit of making the powers-that-be grovel when they think they're gonna die, meanwhile you sit and calmly read your scripture;
large head--interesting, I've noticed this before (re: actors in general with large heads), but never in Meredith's case; and it seems very in character for Mr. Meredith to have investigated sensory deprivation/and or stimulation. He's a fascinating guy-- I wish I was more read up on him, and could thus make the posts richer, but hey- the feedback is accomplishing a bit of that!
Posted by: Mindwrecker | October 18, 2010 at 05:30 PM