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November 03, 2010



Very cool 45's, Greg!

Rik Tod Johnson

There are a couple of times in Keith Reedy's Billy song where he slacks off a little on clearly singing the word "peanuts"... hilarity ensues and "big brother" gets an unexpected present...

Ruth Ann Akers

I always loved this song. My Dad (Bill Akers) played the steel guitar on this record. He was very proud of this and I am so proud of him.

Listener Greg G.

Hey, Ruth, that's great to know about your dad's being the steel player on that record. There are 3 45s in the post, though, which of them did he play on? Regardless, glad you enjoyed hearing it.


@Listener Greg G.

I would guess that it is the Keith Reedy song as it is written by Reedy and a "B. Akers".

Listener Greg G.

Makes'd I overlook that? Thanks.

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