Deerhoof has been around for 16 years, and is very excited about its birthday! For this Super Sweet 16, the group has separated from its old label, signed to Polyvinyl, recorded an album independently, and appeared in a documentary film. They are embarking on a tour to promote Deerhoof vs. Evil this spring, and it should be one hell of a birthday party. Hey, that's a lot more fun than what I did for my 16th birthday.
The group has also appeared on WFMU several times, with live sets from Brian Turner's show in 2002, 2003, and 2005 all being available to stream on the WFMU site. Deerhoof also performed a set at the 2009 Flaming Lips-curated ATP in Monticello, New York, which is streaming at the Free Music Archive.
Satomi Matsuzaki has been with the group since 1996, always adding a sense of joy, playfulness, and melody to the brilliant racket of her husband, Greg Saunier, and company. It was a great opportunity to interview her, which you can check out after the jump.
Why did you decide to name the new album Deerhoof Vs Evil?
Because our concept for the album was "Sweet 16". It sounds like a super hero movie or game title that teens might be into. Besides that it's catchy and funny:)
Would you want to perform any other full album cover performances, as you did with "Unknown Pleasures"?
I might want to. I personally wanna cover Dionne Warwick.
Why did you decide to completely self record the new record?
We have been a very DIY band and have done lots od recording by ourselves. There wouldn't be a time limit if you do it on your own. Also, we could try out with different approaches with so many instruments. it's the best way.
What was your involvement with Adam Pendelton's documentary BAND, which the song "I Did Crimes For You" developed from?
It was for Toronto film festival. My involvement was showing up in Toronto with the band, meeting film crews and recording the music we prepared to record! It only took one day. I think it came out quite good. Amazed by the high quality recording too.
Many early reviews have described a sound of "freedom" on the new record, did signing to a new label and choosing to record your album this way mark a new era for the band?
I don't think so. We already had those songs in our minds before we signed to Polyvinyl. I am glad people think the new album presents freedom music. Teens seek for freedom. I took off to UK when I was fifteen. When i listen to the album, it brings me back to that time when I wanted to be independent and adventurous.
What was the plan behind the "Global Album Leak" of Deerhoof vs Evil?
Music leaks from someone and somewhere anyway! Why not leak it by ourselves? Nobody to blame for but ourselves. "Deerhoof Solutions.Co."
You are playing some shows in the United States with the great Ben Butler and Mousepad, how did you get associated with him?
They have done remix for our music in the past and we really liked their music. Then we curated a festival in Belgium this year. We invited them to play and it was the first time we saw their performance. It was great!!! That's how we came up with the idea of inviting them on tour. Their music is very danceable yet complex. It's cool.
photo by Tethor
just so you know, you said Polydor in the introductory blurb rather than Polyvinyl. Threw me for a loop there...!
Posted by: evan | January 06, 2011 at 05:33 PM
oops! i'll get right to changing that
Posted by: Alex Goldstein | January 06, 2011 at 08:19 PM
Great interview. Nice work.
Posted by: Happy Birthday Wishes | February 23, 2011 at 04:36 AM