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December 09, 2010



early '90 Arwulf use to have a duke ellington show that was just amazing and who can forget his freeform


love to hear what people thought of this... I really loved parts but am slightly wary of those who make points based upon origins of words.


Thanks for the arwulf love, WFMU.

We had a great time last night in Ann Arbor...a packed room and an expressive and exciting arwulf and modified starch ensemble.

Although arwulf's prepared text did tackle the origin of the term 'avant garde', I thought it was much more concerned with the cultural and societal connotations of 'avant garde' as a label.

D.P. O'Connell

oh, man. I didn't see this until now. why was this not publicized more in and around ann arbor? sad.

katt hernandez

o-my-gawd. this is like me in high school- i played me violin with dr.arwulf and what i think was the first version of the modified starch ensemble (or blue sun quintet, we were all girls who played string instruments and were into improvisation)- we played for some of his lecture-performance-rabble-rousings at the old (REAL and way the hell cooler) performance network, and of course on WCBN and at the Blind Pig, and at Alvins in Detroit. . . . . . it was my first improv band, wwwhhheeeewww,and i never ever did effin stoppit, either, HAH! damn how lucky was i to live in ann arbor before it became gentrified as hell? this rules, they remind me muchly of 1992-93 and the shows i grew up listenin to and re-wiring my brain with in the 80s- i am soooo so glad SOME people are still doing Good Shit in calcified with plasticine corporate silliness old ann arbor, wow man, YEAH! love and rockets- katt hernandez

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