Best Book on the Cultural History of the Vocoder: Dave Tompkins' How To Wreck A Nice Beach (Stop Smiling Books)
Most Based Performance: Lil B's New York debut at Santos Party House
Best Solo Black Metal Record On This List: Horn -Distanz LP (Black Blood Records)
Best E-40 Double Album: E-40 - "Revenue Retrievin"
Best Surprisingly Thrilling Performance: Merzbow live at Issue Project Room
Best Drug Use Anthem: Tonetta - "Drugs Drugs Drugs" + 777 Vol I & II LPs (Black Tent Pess)
Best Comeback Tour and Record: The Swans comeback tour and record (Young God)
Most Happenin Digital Dancehall Crossover Internet Release: South Rakkas Crew - The Stimulus Package Digital Release (Mad Decent)
Best Use of Mens High Heels: Humanbeast - Queer Marriage Cassette (Gross Domestic Product)
Best Small Press Celebration of the Ecstasy of Masculinity: Straight To Hell Issue #67
Best English Three Song Dance Music EP with Chipmunked Vocals: Girl Unit - Wut (Night Slugs)
Least Likely To Leave My Ipod: Natalie Storm & Sticky - "Look Pon Me" (Mixpak) + Songs 2 Fuck and Fight 2 (Federation Sound)
Best Opening Credits: The "Enter the Void" opening credits
Best Promotional Mask: The Waka Flocka Mask
Best Chicago Utilization of Italian Synth Rock Influence: Ga'an - s/t Cassette (available for download on Records on Ribs)
Best Dylan Going Favorites on the Free Music Archive (click here or after the jump):
I'm reading How to Wreck a Nice Beach right now and finding I have to skim it because the author really overtries to be clever and showy with the writing's really pretty annoying. I want to say "Relax, people will like you anyway," and keep thinking I wish I was watching a doc on the subject instead (although there is this helpful audio companion to the book: But the subject is interesting enough that I will finish it to some degree or another. Definitely a library check-out item, in my opinion, not a purchase.
Books I just bought myself for Xmas: the 33 1/3 Pink Flag book, and the Tony Visconti book. And the Harry Nilsson doc, which I stopped halfway through watching from Netflix to go order from Amazon. Really great stuff.
Posted by: andy | December 28, 2010 at 11:42 AM