2010 was great! Maybe too great!! Here's a freeform series of lists of some of the music that grabbed me the most, including some Assorted Awards. Take a look and a listen...
= hear more of the artist's music on the Free Music Archive
♫ = a streaming archive mostly from Talk's Cheap, my radio show here on WFMU
White Fence - S/T Tim Presley of Darker My Love, Strange Boys, and The Fall album Reformation Post TLC |
Joshua Abrams - Natural Information (Eremite Records) 15-year Chicago bass vet of Town & Country & Bird Show Band (below) ...Jazz/composition |
Shangaan Electro: New Wave Dance Music From South Africa (Honest Jons) Video interview with revolutionizing producer Nozinja ♫ "Vana Vasesi" by Mancingelania
Palenque Palenque: Champeta Criolla & Afro Roots in Colombia 1975-1991 (V/A) [Soundway] Booklet describes Colombian Afrobeat, Highlight & Psychedelia... |
♫ "Mental Ray"
♫ "Stone Age Love" |
The Moles - Untune the Sky 2xLP [Reissue] (Kill Shaman) 1991 psych-pop masterpiece from AU, Richard Davies & friends |
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Before Today (4AD) ♫ "Beverly Kills"
Chancha Vía Circuito - Rio Arriba (ZZK) Buenos Aires label known for digital cumbia dishes super analog-sounding 2nd LP from Pedro Canale |
Angel Face - Wolf City Blues (Apache Film) ♫ "12 1/2" |
Milk 'N' Cookies - Album + Live @ CBGBs 1975 CS (Burger Records) ♫ "Just a Kid" / "Ready Steady" / "Nots" |
Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Rush to Relax (Goner) album's good, live show's BEST of 2010 ♫ "Tuning Out" |
Arrington de Dinoyso's Malaikat Dan Singa (K Records) "Mani Malaikat" |
Timmy's Organism - Rise of the Green Gorilla (Sacred Bones) |
Bird Show Band (Amish Records) Ben Vida with guests from Tortoise, Jim Baker's violent ARP 2600, & upright-bassist Josh Abrams (above)
Sun Araw - On Patrol 2xLP (Not Not Fun)
2 Top 7"s !! |
Vex Ruffin & The Lo-Fi Jerkheads - 4-track 7" EP (Black Gladiator) sample-based punk! Black Gladiator = Slovenly sublabel. Album coming from Stonesthrow...?!? ♫ "Youth of the Beast" "It's Hard To Be A Motor" |
Tonstartssbandht - "Midnight Cobras" 7" EP (Psychic Handshake) ♫ "Electric Dragon Sword" 7" also an Assorted Award winner (below) |
22 more favorite mp3s from the Free Music Archive (click on "i" for lots more info & music!) | Live tracks from all 10 of the amazing artists who came by my radio show, Talk's Cheap (click on "i" for lots more info about the songs, artists, and more mp3s from each live session!) |
20 more favorite full albums from the Free Music Archive
5 More Awesome Songs:
Big Troubles "Freudian Slips" (listen)
Mahjongg "Grooverider Free" (listen)
Malachai "Shitkicker" (listen)
The Whines “Vacation” (listen)
Lifeguards - "Naught Windsor" (listen)
Guitar Player of the year: Mike Polizze, who over the course of a year released 3 awesome 12"s as Purling Hiss, and a 2xLP with Birds of Maya (Ready to Howl, Richie Records) (video of guitar shredding)
Most Engaging Audio Interview: Tonstartssbandht (Weird Canada)
Best Free Album + EP + Long-Overdue Vinyl Album combo: Big Blood Dead Songs LP (Time Lag) & Dark Country Magic (dontrustheruin)
Best DJ Screw-influenced Industrial / Noise / Hip-Hop Album: Expressway Yo-Yo Dieting - Bubblethug (Weird Forest)
Best live rock show at a venue with Shop in the name: Eddy Current Suppression Ring @ Cake Shop
Best live improv at a venue with Shop in the name: Northampton Wools (Thurston Moore / Bill Nace / Chris Corsano) @ Rock Shop
Best Use of "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor" by Drowning Pool: Last Week's Best Show
Realest Band Names: Bill Cosby & the Pudding Pops, G.G. Allin’s Dick, Soloing Over Alanis Morissette, Janis Joplin Crap 'n Vomit, Vagina Sore Jr., Hoodie Allen, SiFunk & Garmunkle, John Cougar Concentrationcamp, Back to the Future the Ride, Blood Bath & Beyond (tie)
/// More music I like can be found in Talk's Cheap radio shows, Grey Area podcasts, and all up-and-down my FMA profile.
/// Check the rest of the WFMU 2010 Lists here, and Free Music Archive lists here.
/// See you in 2011, can't fight the future!
Ooh baby, I love that Palenque comp. Great picks Jason!
Posted by: Doug S. | December 31, 2010 at 03:51 PM
Thank you for the introduction to Cooper-Moore. Remarkable, creative, indefatigable: heartening to know such people still endure.
Posted by: Jeoff | January 04, 2011 at 10:27 PM