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January 26, 2011



My dad and his mother (both raised in the Bronx) called it a Taylor Pork Roll. Of course they were Methodists and tended to favor the diplomatic compromise in most conflicts.

clueless in MI

when i worked in Hackensack bak in the 60's, it was Taylor Ham on a hard roll everyday. In Michigan now, its unknown, but the internet has hooked me up w "Taylor Ham" once again.

Nate the K

I live in Brooklyn, we call it Taylor Ham. This doesn't help with the NJ question, though, does it?

seriously bro

Taylor Ham. But that's really like calling tissues Kleenex or photocopies Xeroxes isn't it?

but seriously though it's fucking called Taylor Ham and I will fight you.


I grew up in Point Pleasant. Now live in Yardville. Was, is, and always will be PORK ROLL. Preferably on a toasted hard roll with cheese from a NJ diner.

Mike O

We always called it Taylor Ham out on the Island. Anybody want some cooked liverwurst?


I grew up in South Jersey, Exit 1, right across the bridge from Wilmington and we always called it "Taylor Pork Roll"! I've been out west for over 20 years and have tried many meat products but "Pork Roll" is unique!

Dan B

It can be a little difficult defining the dividing line between North Jersey and South Jersey. I think you may have the solution here.


Another useless comment, but in NYC and Connecticut, it was always Pork Roll. And my dad, from Ohio, loved it.


I adore Pork Roll. Not enough of it in DC. Especially the Taylor Provisions actual roll that you cut up and fry with white American cheese on a hard roll. And maybe an onion. God I just made myself hungry.

salt, pepper, ketchup

grew up in N. Jersey, now live in S. Jersey - it's Taylor Ham. you could give the S. Jersey Piney's Chef Boy-Ardee & if a waiter brought it, they'd figure it was fine dinin'. don't get me started, alright?


"Taylor Ham" refers to Taylor Made brand that comes rolled in burlap. But its the brand almost all diners and bagel shops use to make the pork sandwich, so in this area, YES! Its TAYLOR HAM!


mama, if you please, pass me the pork roll egg and cheese.
would you please, on the kaiser bun.


My husband grew up in Newark eating Taylor Ham. I came from the South and never heard of it. After we got married, we saved money buying store-brand pork roll.

Ralph Goldenmouth

In Jersey City (where I grew up), it was always Taylor ham. I'd never heard of "pork roll" until I went to college in New Brunswick, which is certainly NOT south Jersey.


I alway ask for Taylor Ham. Never called it anything else and can tell if it is Taylor Ham or a generic brand.


Grew up at the Jersey Shore and have always called it pork roll.


My parents are from Philadelphia and we've always called it "Taylor Pork Roll". There's an alternate brand -- "Trenton Pork Roll". We've actually seen some in our local Kroger store (Athens, Ohio) a couple times in the past year.
Meanwhile, in linguistics class, I was told that you can separate north and south Ohio by I70 and also by how people pronounce the word "greasy", with an s sound or a z sound. I think the s sound is south and the z sound is north. No word on what they call Taylor Pork Roll in northern Ohio, though.

Geoffrey Crayon

My girlfriend lived in Norfolk, VA from 1966-2005, and has always known it only as Taylor Pork Roll.

Apparently Jersey makes, the whole east coast takes.


I grew up in New Brunswick and it was always Pork Roll. When I was 12 or so we moved to North Brunswick and "Taylor Ham on Hard Roll" was what was printed on the lunch menus. Don't know what that says about the north jersey/south jersey divide here because North Brunswick is actually south of New Brunswick..

Kram Onitinsrren

I grew up in Rumson NJ and it was called "Pork Roll Egg & Cheese on real hard roll"- Our high school served it ever morning! The best brand to buy is "Taylor Ham"- no store brands, they don't even come close- It would be saying the "Jersey Shore" cast is from NJ!



I live in northwest NJ now (Sussex County), but was raised in the heart of south Jersey, near Atlantic City. I still can't get used to hearing it called Taylor Ham up here! LOL

LOVE the stuff!

Also love scrapple, but that is DEFINITELY a south Jersey thing.......hahaha!!


Pequannock Township born and raised.. It's TAYLOR HAM. Because that's what it said on the school lunch menu!! :D


I am from Southern NJ and it is always "Taylor Pork Roll". There was a Taylor Pork Roll store on the Atlantic City Boardwalk that served it on hamburger bun with cheese and even had a Taylor burger. I live in Michigan now, and wish that they had it here along with many other foods from the Jersey/Philly area. The Michiganers DO NOT know good food.


I live in Warren County and I call it pork roll. Some people around here call it Taylor Ham, but I figure that's sorta like when people in the southern states refer to all sodas as 'Coke'. It just doesn't seem right.

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