Happy 2011!
DJ Charlie Lewis described his show with the inversion “making the strange familiar and the familiar strange.” FMU DJs often tip "classic rock" radio music on its head with music that is grossly underplayed. The fresh makes the stale sound fresh once more.
Gaylord Fields played Fantastic Plastic Machine next to 1966 Folk Rock. Clue: Lou Adler LA harmonies almost sound new coming out of music recorded with today's digital sheen.
Pseu Braun, On Pseu's Thing With A Hook, followed Front 242 with ZZ Top and near show's end, played early Beatles
Bill Mac used The Association to set up Captain Zoom & The Androids on Zzzzzzero Hour.
Scott Williams played Prince next to a live track from his show in 2000 by Peaches and Gonzolas, and later, Eddie Callahan next to The Who. He called this week's show "You Are Forgiven," but I'm not sure for what.
Brian Turner played some early 70s prog leading into Fetid Poets.
Irene Trudel juxtaposed late-1970s Joni Mitchell with a band called the Castanets. She also played Pharaoh Sanders "The Creator Has A Master Plan " You have to hear the Sanders if you haven't, or if you haven't in a while.