Today I want simply to share these six songs gleaned from a friend's assortment of Cambodian K7s that he used to collect 15 or more years ago, long before there were compilations of such things. We used to gain a lot of inspiration for our band's music and arrangements from these terrific songs.
Unfortunately, I've never had time to listen to all of the compilations of this music that've come out since those days- just bits and pieces, and for all I know, these tracks may all have been 'officially' released. But just in case they haven't been, and 'cuz I think they're wonderful, I present these six songs that I know nothing about, merely to pass them along. (Later I found out that Pappy no longer had any of the tapes, and he was glad I had saved at least some of the music)
As I said- all from the original cassettes, which had wildly varying content and 'quality', but shared an exuberant love of various pop genres. Any information as to titles and artists is welcome!
Thanks to Jon Fellman, of the Wandering Stars and Chotchke fame, for the sounds.
Yeah, thanks for putting these up Drew! I remember quite well when I discovered the store in the SF Tenderloin neighborhood back in 1990. We had a whole route of restaurants and stores that we frequented back then that had carried cassettes from Vietnam, Cambodia, and even Thailand. Even back then the Cambodian cassettes were really pricey ($5 each) compared with the 50 cent and $1 Vietnamese ones. At one point in the early 90's there was another Cambodian grocer on Mission street near 16th street where I picked up a bunch more cassettes, but unfortunately it burned down shortly after I found it.
Of course now there are many people putting out compilations of this amazing music as well as videos on youtube!
Posted by: Jon Fellman | February 19, 2011 at 11:05 PM
Thanks for posting these. Not heard any of them before. I've a bunch of Khymer rock much of it unidentified, that I picked up in a dusty record shop in Siem Riep, Cambodia a few years ago on CD. This was stuff that had made it's way back to Cambodia, copied from tapes like your friends having been pretty much destroyed in-county by Pol Pot's regime who had wiped out the artists themselves. Our taxi driver got quite excited when we started chatting about Sin Sisamouth and Ros Sereysothea.
More please!
Posted by: Ian | February 20, 2011 at 05:48 AM
Will fwd to Cambodian mother and father in law see if they can get a track listing.
Posted by: anonymous | February 20, 2011 at 02:11 PM
Track 3 - Pan Ron - Min Jong Skori Teh Snaeha (Madison Dance) -
Track 4 - Pan Ron - Oun Nev Srolanh
Posted by: anonymous | February 20, 2011 at 04:18 PM
If you want good classic Cambodian Psych-Rock music. Check this out.
You will find Pan Ron, Ros SereySothea, Sinn Sisamouth, Houy Meas.
Posted by: Amélie | February 20, 2011 at 04:29 PM
Thanks for posting such the tracks. I still wonder how you can collect those and could you tell me more about this? because right now, my lecturer assigns me to figure out what going on for Khmer music in 1960 and 1970.
Posted by: Vannith | March 16, 2011 at 01:46 AM
I've been sort of obsessed with the first track on here for months, and I've just now gone through a few dozen youtube videos to find it. The song is "Biah Doung Kropon," by either Pan Ron or Pan Rom (who according to this youtube uploader were sisters).
Posted by: ADW | April 14, 2012 at 03:28 PM
Thanks for all of the help with identifying, folks! We appreciate it!
Posted by: Mindwrecker | April 15, 2012 at 07:25 AM