Andy Votel is an English DJ. He specializes in forgotten prog, Middle Eastern 1970s rock, 1960s Europop, Tropicallia: music thrown on a trash heap which is anything but trash. Get a Real Player for older archives.
Vertigo Mixed is an hour plus sound byte race car ride through the early-70s most edgy label. Brian Turner played the album's opening in 2005. Linda Hoyle, Gracious, Nirvana (no, not them. 1960s English group) Aphrodite's Child, and Coliseum. (It's not listed, but I also hear Lighthouse) Listen to Votel thread these sounds with pressure cooker energy. (R)
Votel did three more mixes, turbo-charging the exotic forgotten into modern digital speed. Hatch used some of Songs In The Key Of Death in 2005.(R). Two other mixes: Music To Watch Girls Cry, and One Nation Under A Grave. Very Good Plus is a site where a lot of Votel's obscure samples are listed--not complete but a step in the right direction.
Mary Wing, on 100% Whatever. played Ramesh Das from Pomegranates, a comp of rock from pre-theocracy Iran. Benjamin Walker, when his show was Theory Of Everything, played Vampires Of Dartmoor, a soundtrack to a nonexistent film.
Small Change played 1970s Hungarian rock from Sarolta Zalantnay Zalantnay gorgeously exaggerates the wha-wha and fuzz bass, while accentuating blue notes. Iron curtain rock slams as badass as Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple.
Trouble let Votel, and friends Cherrystones, DJ on her show in 2005(R). He played, among the few tracks he listed, Shirley Collins, Barrow Poets, and Battered Ornaments. Listen for how you can get into pub fights debating folk music in the UK.
DJ Handi subjectivity: the most interesting piece was Stanley Meyers' score to the 1972 film Sitting Target, which Votel plays and speaks over. Its frightening hypnosis parallels modern trip-hop. Votel reissued this soundtrack. If you wonder why the score gives such creeps, look at this. The music here is the theme running through the album.
Votel is the shit. Love pretty much everything he puts out!
Posted by: Gel-Sol | February 25, 2011 at 03:47 PM
I love that Vertigo comp, its nonstop killer...I was stoked to get to spin with Andy at the Stone Lincoln Center thing this past summer, and happy that his French jones these days manifested itself with a pile of incredible records he brought that night! Glad someone else loves that comp....
Posted by: Brian Turner | February 26, 2011 at 04:44 AM
what were the records
Posted by: DJ Handi | February 26, 2011 at 03:20 PM