Yesterday, the Space Shuttle Discovery departed Earth on it's final mission. Among the cargo aboard, was one astronaut who's name was not publicly announced. My beautiful friend, and band mate- Clare Armory has left our Planet Earth. Her soul has been set free to bless this mad universe that we all live in. I know how difficult that it is to lose a loved one to cancer. I lost my mother nine years ago to the same ravaging disease. It was the hardest thing that I have ever had to deal with in my life. My mother was 57 when she lost her 29 year battle with cancer. Clare was 35. Any age is too young to be taken from us. It hurts so much.
- Jon Nicholson
There isn't much I can say beyond that, so I just want to thank you Clare for sharing your gifts with the world. I hope we meet again some day. All my love to your friends and family, to everyone you touched during your too brief time.
Phil Freeman posted an interview with Clare on his blog, Running the Voodoo Down.
I will always regret that I missed this show, I stayed home for no real reason at all. Clare's last performance with Excepter, right before she found out she was sick:
Saturday, February 26 - This was posted on the Excepter Facebook page:
Remembrances of Clare today at the Spectacle Theater, from noon on. Waffles and cheer ... drop by. 124 S 3rd St at Bedford, Williamsburg.
Posted by: mrk | February 25, 2011 at 09:11 PM
R.I.P. Clare. another wonderful musician lost. That Silent Barn Clip is amazing.
Posted by: Dave | February 25, 2011 at 11:42 PM
damn it
Posted by: Florenz | February 27, 2011 at 11:29 AM
Was at this show, and it was the last time I saw Excepter before Clare fell ill. Their set was off the chain, one of the best. Clare really made Excepter magical with her presence & talent. I remember the first time I saw them with her at Williamsburg Hall of Music. She slid out from offstage on her back, and off the edge of the stage, all while giving otherworldly vocals. Totally wild and just awesome. It's an unfair end to what was/could have been a tremendous career. RIP & love to the Excepter family.
Posted by: j | February 27, 2011 at 12:43 PM
I had never heard of Clare or her band so just wanted to thank you for sharing. I am so sorry for your loss, genuinely.
Posted by: Cathy de la Cruz | March 06, 2011 at 05:28 PM
Oh! i never hear about it...
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Posted by: Latesha | May 05, 2011 at 03:20 PM