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March 25, 2011


Duncan Walls

I still own the White Elephant LP, not just because the music is truly astounding, but also because I think it has the greatest version of Auld Lang Syne, clocking in at nearly 7 minutes (I also STILl have the promo 45 edit somewhere, too). Nick Holmes is the vocalist and I wish I had his sole LP on Just Sunshine Records (headed by former Woodstock wunderkind Michael Lang and home also to LPs by Mississippi Fred McDowell, The Fabulous Rhinestones with their one Top 40 hit 'What A Wonderful Thing We Have' and several other 'lost' beauties). I wish I still had THAT one ( I believe it was call 'Only A Human' and the title cut was terrific as were most of the rest, all backed up[ by White Elephant members.

Spinozza & Levin and Steve Gadd and Warren Bernhardt and Mike Mainieri grouped together a few years later under Aminieri's monicker and did one spectacular LP for Arista called 'Loveplay'. That LP was almost an extension of the White Elephant LP of hip NYC/Woodstock musicians we were lucky to see up in Rochester from time to time...(like L'Image, another 'lost' group from that era). Check out their performance live at the Red Creek Inn in Rochester, NY circa 1977 on's under Steve Gadd's name and you'll see why. BTW, I was the soundman at that gig, and was also the DJ at that legendary Upstate New York club from 1975-1987. Boy, do I have some stories. Check out Remembering Red Creek Inn page on Facebook.

DJ Handi

that is really good info. this is the type of thing people should document and publish

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