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May 21, 2011


Joly MacFie

Um, my memory is not what it was, but didn't Ivo work at Beggars not Rough Trade? And neither them owned "a successful chain of record shops in London".

Of course there's little difference between the two these days...

Jason Forrest

Oh damn, you're right - it was Beggars Banquet! I went ahead and changed it.
But I did get it right that Beggars owned the shops, not Watts-Russell.

Sorry for the error! Doh!

Tor H Tor

Tor b stoopud. Tor knot no how too make work Stream Help. Tor click on tab (or 'twere it another Coke product) and get FMU on PC real well and really good like. Now Tor be smart with big kidneys.

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