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May 01, 2011



Excellent! Thanks again for these. I was JUST thinking this week about an excursion into Thurl Tunes, but steered away; however, with this new material, I guess I'll have to take that Ravenscroft plunge after all. It's nice to fatten up this Thurl file with more goodies. Cheers!

Duncan Walls

Thanks. I was just playing an older mix CD of mine with "A Cool Glass Of Beer" on it and explaining to a friend who Tony the Tiger's voice was....i'd lost most of my Thurl in a Hard Drive crash and forgotten where i'd gotten it all. Should have figured it was the 365 Day Project. Thanks for pointing me back so I can get 'em again.

Kip W

I found "Seven Dreams" too compelling to pass up, three decades ago, and I give it a listen now and then. The same track that Thurl's in has another great voice, Dickie Beals, as the brat in the same coach. Sadly, the two don't interact. (The next-to-last track has a line that took on an ironic tone in the context of the late 70s: "The church! Reverend Jones will save me!")

The album also shows up in one of Harold Lloyd's 3-D nude studies, sharing space with a fetching young woman. The album seems to be getting a particularly prominent display, separated from the rest of the records and turned squarely to the camera. I'd like to ask Mr. Lloyd about that, but, alas.

Kip W

ps: I haven't listened to them yet, but I have two different recordings of another sound story by Jenkins, "Manhattan Tower." Neither one would seem to be the original, which dates to 1954. One has Bill Lee in the cast, the other has Robert Goulet. Jenkins's name meant something to me because of his fine work with the orchestra and arrangements for "A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night," which includes his sweet song, "This Is All I Ask," which has been committed to vinyl by a number of artists. Jenkins, in the Schmilsson liner notes, says that apart from Harry Nilsson, the best version was recorded by Tiny Tim. I haven't heard Sinatra's, but I have Tiny's version, and Sinatra would have to do a pretty incredible job to beat it.


Weirdly enough I just found a copy of Thurl Ravenscroft Singers on Dot Records at the Salvation Army unfortunately it had a Jerry Vale record in it as well as covered with black magic marker. I suppose this will suffice instead Thank You!


Thank you for this. Seriously. You have no idea.

And yes, I believe that is essentially identical to the Disney "Paul Bunyan" soundtrack. May be re-recorded for the EP, but same basic content.

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