Back near the end of the second 365 Days project, we were all treated to an album recorded by Tony Randall, titled "Vo Vo De Oh Doe".
Recently, while at a huge fundraising music sale, I was directed (by a like-minded friend) to a booth where they were selling a copy of another Tony Randall album, "Warm & Wavery", containing more of the same type of music.
Amazingly, the entire album runs just over 22 minutes. On the other hand, it was being offered for sale for one big dollar! Just four quarters! Quite the bargain - the last note on "I Came Here to Talk for Joe" alone is worth more than that!
1.) Tony Randall - The Debutante’s Ball (MP3)
2.) Tony Randall - Me and My Shadow (MP3)
3.) Tony Randall - You Remind Me So Much of My Mother That You Stole My Heart Away (MP3)
4.) Tony Randall - I Came Here to Talk for Joe (MP3)
5.) Tony Randall - China Town My China Town (MP3)
6.) Tony Randall - When Banana Skins Are Falling (I’ll Come Sliding Back to You) (MP3)
7.) Tony Randall - Red Sails in the Sunset (MP3)
8.) Tony Randall - The Glory of Love (MP3)
9.) Tony Randall - You Oughta Be in Pictures (MP3)
10.) Tony Randall – You’re Blase (MP3)
Front Cover (JPG) - Back Cover (JPG)
You sure can drop 'em, Bob. Here's one we'll all be rushing to 'enjoy', lol. And for one terrifying moment - I thought the tracklist contained "China My China" and the resulting near-circuit overload was narrowly missed; Whew!
Posted by: Mindwrecker | May 29, 2011 at 12:59 PM
When I was fifteen, I sat next to Randall during a dinner and lied to him that I had already read Crime and Punishment. "Oh really!" he said, humoring me. He then gave me a reading list that included Dos Passos.
Posted by: Jx | May 30, 2011 at 11:51 AM
My sister met one of her best childhood friends when she told another girl " I have a Tony Randall Record" and her soon to be friend said oh I have that to.
My mother bought this for my sister at Grants and her friend Erica's father Richard Freed was a music critic who went to school with Mr. Randal. When I was 9 years old I knew ever song on this record andI remember them all!
Posted by: Joe Probus | May 30, 2011 at 08:36 PM
Randall does the best "Nature Boy" ever
Posted by: fred | May 31, 2011 at 08:01 AM
That last note on "I Came Here to Talk For Joe" doesn't even exist on the scale. This is great! Thank you.
Posted by: Stu | June 03, 2011 at 01:07 AM
My most prized vinyl
Posted by: Tricotta | July 28, 2012 at 10:23 PM