Firm as ever in my belief that one can't have too much Vincent Price in your mp3 player/computer, here's another installment in the series: a radio-only lp of one minute thirty-second radio spots originally sponsored by Best Western Motels. As such, it has gotten a heck of a lot of airplay on my various radio programs over the years, and continues to amuse. As a former long-time San Francisco resident, it also has numerous California and Bay Area references as well, which made it eminently playable on my Cali shows. I'm not sure of it's original 'release' date, but some references, such as the "Woodstock" cut - which is a hoot, by the way, date it to 1969 - 1970-ish.
Produced by "Blanc Communications Corp." which which I would imagine to be one of Mel Blanc's several production outfits, this is a slick and entertaining piece of work and actually imparts some real information, along with some total hokum. Settle back and enjoy these 19 tiny tales and find out why indeed Vinnie the art and food lover "Really fears Pot Roast!"
01 The Music Man 02 U - 405 03 Woodstock 04 Santa Barbara Mission 05 Big Horn Sheep 06 William S. Hart 07 The Seventh Step 08 The Western Gladiator 09 The Kite 10 Pot Roast 11 Carrolton 12 Alcatraz 13 David Lang 14 Harrow House 15 Golden Gate Bridge 16 Hershey, Penn. 17 Crazy Horse 18 Captain Colby 19 Circus Museum
Dear Mindwrecker,
I see on the net there's a renewed interest in oldest BCO material.
(You can take a look at "" with many, many releases, post and comments...)
As far as I know, there are several K7's containing songs covering the period 1979-1984 released in very limited editions, sometimes only for friends, I am told these recordings are impossible to find. It would be wonderful if someone is willing to share work from these super rare recordings from BCO's misty history. I appreciated very much your articles on BCO 30'th anniversary with rare and lost material from old K7's!
All the best.
Alex T - El Topo
Posted by: El Topo - Alex T | May 29, 2011 at 04:10 AM
I know it's been awhile since you posted but if you still want to know about the recording try contacting the Circus World Museum. It really does exist, since 1959, and they may know more about it. Or at least about that one track.
Posted by: Abigail | March 19, 2013 at 11:55 AM