By Joe DeMartino
It wasn’t terribly easy to get something to go viral back before YouTube, Facebook, and other meme distributors. Most viral videos came in the form of full websites (think the Hamster Dance) or e-mailed .mov files (think the dancing baby) -- odd little accidents that look a bit embarrassing today, like a pair of bell-bottom jeans. One early viral sensation that has held up, however, is the series of GI Joe public service announcement parodies produced by Fenslerfilms. The parodies were an absurdist take on the original PSAs -- exhortations to stay safe and never talk to strangers were warped into a world where heavily armed and armored super-commandos harassed and confronted kids who were playing on construction sites or riding without a helmet. Series creator Eric Fensler talks about the creation process, the legal trouble with Hasbro he narrowly avoided, and what he and Fenslerfilms are up to these days.
NAmag: How did the original idea for the PSAs come about?
The idea to make the PSAs came from just revisiting the footage from my childhood via a DVD I found at Virgin Megastore in Chicago, IL on Michigan Ave. I went there on my lunch break a lot just to listen to music or just check out the sale cart bin of DVD's, CD's, records, and lotions. I found the GI Joe movie on DVD for 5 bucks and it had 25 of the PSAs as an extra supplement. I ripped the footage off and put it on my computer and started just messing around with it. Nothing much more to it.
NAmag: How did you go about making them?
I used Avid, Final Cut Pro, and Pro Tools. Standard programs in the post-production process.
NAmag: How did you find out that the PSAs were receiving wide distribution? This was pre-YouTube, so you couldn't just, say, suddenly notice that their view count had skyrocketed.
My gallery in Chicago, Heaven Gallery, had been hosting them on their site in 2003 and we originally got shut down because the PSAs had exceeded the bandwidth for that month. Something like over trillions and trillions and googillions of hits in 2003. No one could pay the bill.
Uncle Joe figured it out -- he does all my website stuff. So each month, Uncle Joe would put new PSAs up until we exceeded the hits, I guess, and it would shut down. I really don't know for certain. My apologies for not knowing the facts, to be honest I don't concern myself with these types of details. I did get a lot of emails from people saying how much they liked them, that was a good barometer I guess. Should I think about this stuff?
I remember websites like and got a hold of them and started to host them. You would have to ask them how they fared with them. I assume it was well received because they kept asking me to send them more.
NAmag: What kind of media attention did you get? The PSA fame seemed to result in similar opportunities from Adult Swim, notably in regards to SeaLab 2021 and Tim and Eric: Awesome Show, Great Job!
The best media attention was seeing the Hasbro lawsuit on that Hollywood television fluff show "Extra" or “ET” or something. So strange to see it on the boob tube. Internet artist gets shut down over Hasbro property!
NAmag: The films are exceptionally memetic -- even today, years after I first saw them, I can quote several of the PSAs from memory. Did you specifically try to make them mini-mindworms, or was that kind of a happy accident?
The only thing i set out to do when i made the PSAs was to have a chuckle. I didn't even plan on putting them on the internet at the time, to be honest it felt like a lot of work to put them up. The internet was still intimidating to me. It was filled with porn. I was just playing my videos in art galleries, theaters, or passing around VHS copies to whomever wanted them.
NAmag: Could you talk a little bit about the legal issues with Hasbro about a year after the PSAs were released? I can't imagine that they were all that thrilled with the repurposing of their "Real American Heroes" into an absurdist comedy series, but you had a pretty good Fair Use argument.
Hasbro sent the cease and desist and said "take them off the internet" or "legal action" I talked to a my Uncle Joe who is also a lawyer and he said I had an case but, "Do you want to go through it all? Do you have a lot of money young man?"
I said no, I don't have any money. I’m broke. so I took them off. No harm no foul, plus I was on to making something different anyway, working a full time job, a family to protect. It wasn't a big deal, other than it had gotten all the way to them, I never thought Hasbro would see the PSAs. Then eventually YouTube came out and they were on other sites, so who cares?
NAmag: There's a definite mashup feel to the PSAs. I doubt those pieces were receiving all that much airtime almost twenty years after their original production, so the Fensler Films redubs brought new life to them, while at the same time turning them into something different. Was that what you were going for?
I was just trying to have a laugh. I think that's all I ever do is try to laugh and have fun. In both my work and in my life.
NAmag: I'm pretty sure you were the precursor to at least part of the viral video phenomenon. All the parodies of Hitler in the movie "Downfall", the "I'm the Juggernaught, bitch!" redub, and other things of that nature -- do you look at all of that and think, "I'm the one (or one of the first) who showed that kind of thing could become popular online?"
I don't think like that.
NAmag: Finally, what are you and Fenslerfilms up to these days? Any plans for, say, a ten-year anniversary re-issue?
Fenslerfilms is very busy and investing in a lot of stock right now. We are developing new technologies and getting into the future of the internet. Check out our website
I would like to mention that not without the help of Andy Guler, Doug Lussenhop, PK Hooker, and Micheal Rodriguez could these GI JOE PSAs works exist.
guys, it's (no 's' after 'film')
Posted by: fenslerfan | June 13, 2011 at 05:41 PM
Sorry bout that - but it was his link! haha! It's changed now!
Posted by: Jason Forrest | June 13, 2011 at 08:04 PM
Am I the only one who's bothered by Awesome Network's cheezy and relentless self-promotion on this blog? I mean, really, does "Brought to you by ...!" have any place in a post here? If you'd like to bring our attention to the Awesome Network (in spite of its dreadfully dumb name), then please write up a post about it, and leave it at that, OK? There's no need to keep hammering us with the fact that you exist, and doing so undermines the credibility of your otherwise worthy posts by obliging any thoughtful person to question your motives. Please stop it, OK? I'd like this blog to remain a zone free of advertising.
Posted by: Close Reader | June 14, 2011 at 09:31 PM
Hey Reader Close - I'm Jason, the guy who re-posts these from Network Awesome.
These are re-posted from a third party site and that's why we put links to our site on the posts. You've seen there's 2 links because we have a video channel and a magazine - which this is re-posted from. We think each of them deserves it's own link as it's different people involved in each. The video is just the video embed we play on our own site. If that's the branding you're bothered by then there's little we can do to change that ATM.
BTW, I'm a WFMU Alumni DJ, so it's not sooo random that these posts appear in this forum.
Posted by: Jason Forrest | June 15, 2011 at 02:30 AM
Oh yeah I'm obliged to question your motives too, I'd hate for Close Reader to not think I am a "thoughtful person." I just love pop culture except when it tries to sell me something.
Posted by: Vic | June 15, 2011 at 01:27 PM
Hey, Jason. Yes, it's the video embed that's so bothering. It's such a cheezy advertisement. Couldn't it be easily removed by linking instead directly to the YouTube clip that follows it? That wouldn't require much effort at all. Imagine if we had to sit through someone's advertisement before viewing _any_ clip on this blog.
Posted by: Close Reader | June 15, 2011 at 03:18 PM
Ah... and there's the rub.
What we do at Network Awesome is string together You Tube clips and stream them one after another linearly. So when we post a movie here (or anywhere) it's the WHOLE MOVIE, not just a section. With this specific collection, we present all 25 GI Joe PSA's, not just 1 or 2.
For the record, there are currently 4 opening clips each of which is between 9-11 seconds long. Certainly far less then what you'd see on any broadcast source.
I'm sure these conversations will be read by the WFMU powers that be and I'm sure they'll decide what they want us to do. We're just glad to share cool stuff.
Let's see what happens.
Posted by: Jason Forrest | June 15, 2011 at 05:50 PM
Gotcha, Jason. Concerning the rub, it's not the length that's annoying, but the very concept of having to consume Awesome Network self-promotion in order to watch the clips in your post. It's advertising, which really shouldn't have a place on this blog, unless we're all prepared to go wherever that slippery slope leads us.
By the way, I should say again that I've otherwise quite enjoyed your posts, once my annoyance at the advertising settles down to a manageable level.
Posted by: Close Reader | June 15, 2011 at 07:46 PM
Any chance that anyone has a link to the original .mov files or DVD/mpg2 quality rips? I'd like to have the full collection in something resembling the original resolution rather than the fuzzy re-compressed pieces you find most places.
Posted by: Pober Saltine | June 21, 2011 at 11:42 PM
I had never heard of these and just watched 7 minutes of them. The best line was "There's no retard in 'team'", which is pretty funny though not original. Also, it's not the kind of thing I'd put on my Facebook page so maybe this was all a waste of time.
Posted by: Consumer Market Research | October 09, 2012 at 02:50 PM
It's good to know that some cunty spammer thinks this is something that shouldn't go on their Facebook page.
Posted by: No Racist Penguins | July 27, 2013 at 01:54 PM