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July 30, 2011



Yay for Mark Barkan! Judging from what I see of his body of work via this story - I'd imagine there are a few other songs of his that I like. 'Melody Hill' has always been one of the favorites of off my old grey-market 'Best of the Archies' cd with the crude fakey Archies art on the cover. Hmmm, in the same week I hear about the new gay character just introduced in Riverdale, and now this KISS tie-in - that publisher is going 21st Century in a big way.

just john

I have the "Sugar Sugar" single. It plays really well at 33 1/3 RPM, too. Really soulful.

hyena sparerib

Hey just john - I think the Vanilla Fudge made a career out of that discovery...
Will the Archie/Kiss comic use ink that contains actual Kiss (or Archies?) blood like the first Kiss comic?


THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's really soulful.



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