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July 15, 2011



The art of flying without a net can be really amazing but can be really disastrous, and isn´t for the faint at heart. A great DJ should be able to hear the rest of his set in his head and know instinctively what the listeners are feeling, but this is not always the case.

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DJ Handi

DJ Handi

blanks always happen when i reply to comments via email. sorry. Steve: i am not sure a dj can always hear a set in a liner form from start to end before the laser hits the cd or the needle the record. a lot of times a piece of music can suggest another, and this often happens in real time, and some of the best sets, that you could never plan, emerge that way. Perhaps some DJs are very methodical, others very instinctive. i have not met a lot of the WFMU people i write about, so i really have not delved into the process. i am just writing about what the music suggests.

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