Terrible news this weekend, as Silent Barn -- the one-of-a-kind venue/laboratory/gallery/space/place in Ridgewood, Queens -- was robbed of $15k-worth of gear/equipment (read the note here or after the jump | UPDATE THERE IS NOW A KICKSTARTER).
Among the many amazing components of Silent Barn -- the Baby Castles video game installations + hacker meetups, murals and art everywhere, live performances booked by some of the city's best curators -- here's one of my favorites:
Party Lab hosts straight-to-cassette mixes of not just the live performances, but everything that's going on in and around the entire space at that moment in time. Just look at the diagram -- there were microphones everywhere, even outside! It's all part of G Lucas Crane's vision of a "Center For Non-Amoral Surveillance," which he explains with this manifesto. I remember this one show, being so stunned by Grasshopper's set, I went over to the Party Lab booth to ask James (who'd been doing some mixing while hanging by the door) how he thought the recording turned out. "Great!" he said, "An ambulance came by, got some of that in the mix, plus a fight broke out so that's in there too..."
These tapes survive to document an environment which is sure to be reincarnated before long. We're all eager for an opportunity to show support for Silent Barn, because we need a space like this now more than ever, what with the shutdown of CoCo66 and this rumor of a gigantic Whole Foods coming to bulldoze some of Williamsburg's finest venues... So, stay tuned to Silent Barn (fbook/twitter/email) and read their note after the jump:
This weekend has been incredibly heartbreaking for all of us at The Silent Barn. On top of many issues that we're currently dealing with, over the weekend our house was completely ransacked. About $15k worth of audio equipment, house projects and personal belongings are gone. The violence to the space is almost as upsetting as the theft. Doors were ripped off of hinges, furniture ripped to shreds, and everything in the space strewn about in a sea of debris. We've lost 7 years worth of accumulated equipment, tools, and artwork donated and built by individuals from every end of the scene's spectrum, and we're still reeling with what this means for our own lives and the future of the space. If you would like to find out what you can do, email silentbarn "@t" gmail.com. We need your help to continue.
Thank you for your concern over the last few days. It means as much to us as the space itself.
- Castle Oscar, Momma, Kunal, Lucas, Nat, Jordan, James, Joe
Here is a list of the major sound gear that was stolen from the Silent Barn. There's plenty more that was stolen, including a bunch of bikes, personal stuff, cash, computers, etc etc. But if anybody thinks they may know where these are, please contact us at [email protected]
2 powered QSC K8 speakers
2 powered behringer Eurolive B1800D-PRO subwoofers
1 Yamaha MG166CX 16-Channel Mixer
1 snake with 8 XLR inputs and 4 1/4"" inputs
2 Yamaha passive PA speakers (painted white)
Peavey Bass Cab
Two Peavy power amps
Soundcraft Spirit 4 mixer
Tape Decks
Ampeg bass amp BA 115 bass combo
Peavey bass combo amplifier
Silver Stanton USB turntable
behringer bcf2000 usb mixer
Thanks!!! Your support has literally kept us from folding and giving up. Everybody's warmth has been totally amazing and uplifting.