As some of you may or may not know, I've been having a lot of fun with a new feature on the Fun Machine; a segment called "Peer Pressure." I invite people involved in music to guest DJ for part of the program and to chat in between songs, just the way you would at your friends house when you bought a bunch of new records. Some of the guests that were on in the past were: Aesop Dekker (Worm Ouroboros, Agalloch, Ludicra), Chuck Dukowski (Black Flag, SWA, CD6), Gaye Black/Advert (Adverts), Digby Pearson (Earache Records), John Gallagher (Raven) .
This past week we were visited by one of rock's busiest men: Dave Edwardson, best known for being the bassist in Neurosis. His set list is here, and the attitude of the playlist was commanding and fun all at once. As a fan of Neurosis and one who's had several occasions to talk to Dave, it was the truest sense of his spirit, and I'm so pleased that came through. To listen to Neurosis, as powerful and foreboding as they are, and then to make a conclusion about the personality of any of the band members, would be a mistake for sure. Dave did a stellar job inserting bike bell rings into songs where curses were and made the whole process for me the "engineer/DJ" a breeze. A couple of the bands he spotlighted; Dimesland and Wild Hunt. were heavy, and local to the SF Bay area. Here are links related to his playlist from top to bottom:
1) Au:Tone:Al: Experimental Project with Dave, Andre Custodio on drums and Kevin G Yuen live at the Luggage Store Gallery: download
2) Dimesland - "Trophy Wives Under The Influence" from forthcoming LP "Creepmoon" on Vendlus
3) Karysun - "Failure Industry" from Interceptor LP on Destructure
4) Kicker - "Not You" from forthcoming debut LP on Tankcrimes. Video for "Lager and Chips"
5) The Monkey And The Mermaid - "Flat Tire" Dave's wife Danny and Dave's home recording project.
6) Hobgoblin - "Distract Francis" from soundtrack to The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari. Dave's friends, and occasional Dave guest bass, soundtracking silent horror films. On November Fire, DVDs and CDs available here.
7) Los Banos - Cyclecide Bike Rodeo band.
8) Wild Hunt - "Window To The Nether" from forthcoming LP "Before The Plane Of Angles", currently unsigned
9) Jesus Fucking Christ - "Sadistic Madness", unreleased track from future split on Inimical with Star Fucking Hipsters. All JFC releases on this label, along with one of the Kicker 7"s.
10) Neurosis - Unreleased Instrumental live at Gilman Street, probably 1989, Pain Of Mind lineup. Track found on online bootleg. Song played once live.
Something he chose to leave out of his playlist that he had a hand in the production of was the delightful band Shitty Fucker, which he refers to as Essy Effer... that is, if he were to mention them on WFMU. As it turns out, we didn't have the time, but here is a link to where their recordings can be found.....
And to be sure there was even less seriousness happening in the show, he informed me that he was going to see the B-52s and the Human League later in the week. He rocks and is not afraid to dance! Thanks Dave!
This week's guest on Peer Pressure is the one and only Carl Canedy: drummer for The Rods, and producer of many a groundbreaking thrash record including LPs from Anthrax, Exciter, TT Quick, Helstar, OverKill and Possessed. The program airs right after this post goes up, so get listening if you aren't already, folks--you'll be glad you did!
Here's a drum solo from Carl from a couple of years back: