If you spent any time at weird underground rock and roll shows in LA in the past 30 years you probably have had a run in with Karen Centerfold, and she without a doubt left you with a story.
As for my Centerfold story:
"She always insisted on introducing one of my bands almost every time we played. She would then always get our name wrong. And then spend most of the show smacking us on the ass. . . . (too be fair we shook our asses a lot) but shes like 6'5' + mad platform heels and pushn' at least 225. . . . it was really just too weird to stop if we even could."
If you haven't experienced her first hand or just want to know more about this gender bending destroyed puzzle of a human only LA could create then check the trailer for Eckse's forthcoming documentary "Centerfold Centerfold". It's got appearances form Don Bowls, as well as members of the Centimeters, Abe Vigoda, Mika Miko and more.
From 3:00 to 3:30 it's like the worst re-enactment of "The Brown Bunny" I've ever seen.
Never heard of this person, film would probably make a good rental. If it sucked, I would just throw on "X: the Unheard Music" and wash the bile away....
Posted by: mr. mike | September 22, 2011 at 11:12 PM
She looks very ugly and unsexy.
Posted by: ljp | September 23, 2011 at 04:42 AM
My Karen Centerfold experience is when I first moved to LA and was hanging at Pehr Space. She kept calling me a "beautiful hippie boy" and asked my girlfriend, now wife, "does hippie boy give it to you good?"
After that she kept asking around for someone to "turn me on" as her code for mooch off of someones pot.
Posted by: Brock | September 26, 2011 at 08:49 PM
So many run-ins with Karen Centerfold, but the most curious one was a show at the Silverlake Lounge some years ago. Her MOTHER performed. Her mother was this old modest-looking woman (maybe from Appalachia? it seemed like that) who played the autoharp and sang beautifully. I have never gotten over that.
Posted by: Fancynotions.wordpress.com | September 27, 2011 at 02:45 PM
Karen's alright but who I really miss these days in LA is Vaginal Creme Davis..
Posted by: Tom Bogdon | September 29, 2011 at 12:06 AM
I adore Karen Centerfold!!! She came to my Halloween Party/ Record Release Party "Cute but Evil"
Karen #turnt all the way up. She got into costume. She was whipping people. I felt so blessed by this Underground Music Party Spirit.
Karen Centerfold is WILD!!!
Posted by: Cakeladyhustla | October 31, 2012 at 11:56 PM
Karen Centerfold is a wonderful girl with a lot of class. She knows style and talent immediately. She is the best Pisces woman I know and a helluva fun time!
Posted by: Jeff Dusty | March 11, 2013 at 04:17 AM