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September 22, 2011



amazing job, Tony!

Ricardo Montalban

That's great, Tony!
I've always been Larry Mondello-curious but have never encountered any of their actual music until now.


I saw the 1986-era of the band, also at Trinity College, but in the Underground Coffeehouse (by the way, one of those supposed Mather hall photos is actually Hamlin Hall next door, where Fred Frith and Etron Fou played on separate ocassions in the late 70's, WRTC at one time had tapes of those shows, but an enterprising DJ/thief taped over them)-- at the time I thought LMB were a curiosity, but in retrospect they were probably the hippest thing around at the time, in boring Hartford. I still have my Fun With Static cassette somewhere.


Most excellent- Thank You for this Larry Mondello Band edumacation!
I have downloaded all of these tracks and am hearing them now. Me likey.
Will be checking out the LMB web site go at. Thanks again.

tilly t

wow! rest in peace, schooch, and thanks other steve for 1) making this music and 2) sharing it with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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