Give the Drummer Some's
Favorite Downloads from the MP3 Blogosphere
Singles Going Steady...
Sevil Öztatlı ~ "Seks Seks Seks"
(Blog: Turkish Psychedelic Music!)
So Nice She Named It Thrice
Random bit of lyrics as translated by Google: "Her hips like a bomb/Pumpkin vine branches/The eyes are seeing cross-eyed/See my woman/They say in the name of sex sex sex."
Dan Penn ~ "I Need Some One"
(Blog: Derek's Daily 45)
"This record was one of the final collaborations Dan made with Muscle Shoals producer Rick Hall, before his move to Memphis and association with Chips Moman at American Studios. These collaborations resulted in a cache of music that is simply some of the finest to be recorded anywhere, by anyone. This record shows the depth of Dan as an artist, and I am at a loss for words at describing its beauty." (Derek See, at Derek's Daily 45)
Montella Swing ~ "Miss Blues"
(Blog: Soul Safari)
All That Jive
"Two really groovy jive tunes by Montella Swing. No info can be found on this band, so I guess it is a group formed out of studio regulars. Released on Atlantic City in March 1969. The record has an official stamp of approval by the national state censorship saying that this record is suitable for radio play." (Eddy De Clercq, Soul Safari)
Usha Iyer ~ "Good Times & Bad Times"
(Blog: Indian and Pakistani Vinyl)
Usha Iyer performs this number while playing a cabaret singer in Merchant Ivory's 1970 film Bombay Talkie. Read a synopsis of the film here.
Johnny Zamot ~ "Spaced Out"
(Blog: Office Naps)
Spaced Bar
"Even by Zamot’s fairly adventurous standards, though, “Spaced Out” is a strange one. If its snappy horn lines and pop sensibilities seem to place it somewhere in the previous decade, then that inverted bass line and echo-drenched waaah-chuck-chuck-chuck chorus seem to point to some indeterminate, loopy year in the future." (DJ Little Danny, at Office Naps)
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