Singles Going Steady Week is NOW as we gear up for the Record Fair and as Shock and Awetober begins to draw to a close. DJs will be playing nothing but 7-inch singles on their shows all week, as they continue to fundraise using the new "silent" method that's been in place all month. We are having a barrel of fun but working very hard -- please make a donation to your favorite DJ or DJs! This way they'll have something pleasant to remember once they finally have time to re-shelve their records and do their laundry. Donate using a DJ's playlist page, or via the WFMU homepage. The station needs your support very badly in order to stay alive.
Take a look at the Upcoming page for details on how various people are interpreting the Singles Going Steady format: there will be at least one all-early-'80s broadcast of post-punk and new wave goodness; an East Village-style DJ party; and some husband/wife and boyfriend/girlfriend battles. During the Record Fair, which takes place all weekend, many of the 7"s will come to you straight from the Metropolitan Pavilion itself. And this amid plenty of sets by special guest bands, as well as more WFMU listener meetups! (Find out about the Halloween-themed Thunk Tank meetup here, featuring literary readings and signature cocktails. And, not least, about the exciting Antique Phonograph meetup here!)
The WFMU Record Fair is one of the major highlights of the WFMU calendar year -- don't you dare miss it! Come to the Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 W. 18th St. in Manhattan, on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday to shop, socialize, eat pizza, see performances, drink beer, et cetera. Click here to download the dealer guide and DJ schedule. This year is also our first-ever RadioVision Fest, going on concurrently in the same building. Let's all be there...