Just yesterday, Columbia Uni's radio station WKCR made available some notable past archives from the treasure trove of live music and interviews the station's been broadcasting for years. Click here to find the list of what's up so far - seems like a long term project that'd be worth checking back with over the course of the coming months. Right now I'm listening to an hour long live session from Necking, recorded on Live Constructions with Narine Atamian, who also blogged earlier today for WFMU! Apparently Phil Schaap's archives are not considered live poetry readings, you'll have to find his rants on his own site...
I'm glad WKCR is putting these up, and I'm looking forward to checking these out. However, one gripe from the outset: it's strange that they're being posted without any kind of accompanying info--e.g., dates, players, show.
Posted by: dsuisman | October 12, 2011 at 09:58 AM