It's Thursday, December 29, and the holidays have left their tread; heady drink and hearty food have all but rendered my mind and metabolism slug-like, and I can barely even remember what I did last week, let alone what records I purchased and bands I saw at the dawn of this (or any) annum. In lieu of summarizing this year in recorded music history, then, I will instead say this: My most anticipated release in 2012 is actually from 1973. It's the vinyl reissue of the Coloured Balls' Ball Power LP on Aztec Records, which I hear is due out "soon." While you and I await the long-overdue re-release of this seminal sharpie outfit's best album, we can feast our eyes on this video of the band ripping through a truncated version of "Human Being" on GTK in early '73.
For those of you who can't wait or aren't particular about your media, you can also order the CD reissues of Ball Power and Heavy Metal Kid through Aztec Records' site -- or various distributors, like the ol' reliables at Forced Exposure. Now if you'll excuse me, time to ice my achin' head. Oh, and Happy New Etc.