Today a visit with the Rev. J. M. Gates, known for his beautifully-delivered sermons, recorded between 1926 and 1941, which vary widely in theme, tone and intensity. He can caress you on one 78 and then scare holy hell out of you on the next. He was one of the biggest-selling recording artists there ever was.
The wonderful and extremely prolific 1920's and 30's recording artist/preacher originally grabbed me 25 years ago with a record I caught on a radio show, taped and DJed for years; and his highly amusing rap, with congregation, about petting the wife and calling her "kitty kitty cat" as opposed to un-Christian mistreatment made me an instant fan. His many Christmas-season records often come to mind at this time and so I wanted to direct your eyes and ears to a delicious article about him over at the terrific
Old Weird America blog (framed around
Harry Smith). In the meantime, here is an appetizer snack of audio with his chilling sermon
Where Will You Be Christmas Day?
J. M. Gates - Where Will You Be Christmas Day?