WFMU never makes habit of playing stale Christmas carols, but has its holiday traditions. Stan annually plays the entire first Rotary Connection album: this 1968 piece never made it to "classic rock" formats, but hear how its choral treatment of rock and soul covers has aged like fine brandy, taken out for special occasions.
How about Holiday surrealism? Kurt Gottschalk filled in for Dan Bodah with Miniature Minotaurs, playing "Santa Dog '92" by the Residents. The big, digital production gives this track modern classical grandeur. Tamar filled in for Liz Berg, playing Meredith Monk, Hazel Meyers, and Billie Holiday on Are We There Yet.
Nazario Scenario's Amanda filled in for Jesse, playing Bob Dylan next to Memphis Minnie, then Merle Haggard next to Chuck Berry. Amanda tilted these sets towards music distinctly rootsy and distinctly American. This is a fascinating gambit. A DJ's show sound is all in the DJ's choices, and Amanda creates her sound by linking organic sounding tracks of different genres. She uses genre without being boxed in by genre. This is just one way to skin the free form cat, but indeed an effective one .