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December 28, 2011



I have listened to that Hackamore Brick LP several times over the years, since it always garnered praise from collectors, and it's good, but it gets perhaps more praise than it's due. Yes, it does sound very Velvet-Underground-ish, and I've always wondered if that was one of their actual influences, or just luck that they sounded that way.

Doug S.

The lead singer sounds a lot to my ears like Smokey Mims (Smokey and His Sister), who I adore. Hackamore Brick is a new discovery for me, and I love it. The associations to VU are understandable, but who gives a fig.


I just wanted to say that Noisy Silence - Gentle Noise by the Dave Pike Set is also amazing album. Its one of those albums that I wished I had been listening to sooner.

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