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December 20, 2011



I saved a copy of Coyote v. Acme, too. One of my all-time favorites.

Listener Greg G.

Here's something that is of possible interest to those who enjoyed Frazier's treatment of this topic.

His New Yorker writings were preceded by those of Joey Green, whose "Cliffhanger Justice" articles in the the August, September and October 1982 issues of National Lampoon covered pretty much the same territory, the legal battles of the Coyote against ACME for selling defective products. You can find a handful of brief references to Green's articles on the internet (which is how I "confirmed" the dates) but not much else. I recall reading them near the time they were published and thinking they were pretty damn hilarious.

Listener Greg G.

Wondering now if Joey Green and Ian Frazier might be the same person and the content from the 1982 National Lampoon articles, or a modified version of them, was republished in the New Yorker?


Here's something that is of possible interest to those who enjoyed Frazier's treatment of this topic.

His New Yorker writings were preceded by those of Joey Green, whose "Cliffhanger Justice" articles in the the August, September and October 1982 issues of National Lampoon covered pretty much the same territory, the legal battles of the Coyote against ACME for selling defective products. You can find a handful of brief references to Green's articles on the internet (which is how I "confirmed" the dates) but not much else. I recall reading them near the time they were published and thinking they were pretty damn hilarious.

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