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January 25, 2012



Oh Christ, Mutant Sounds...I didn't even think of that! I learned a lot from that site. Jeez....

Doug S.

Faint glint of sunshine in Mutant Sounds's latest post.

Lewis Meriwether

Vu de l'exterieur is, in my opinion, one of the best albums ever made. I do want to point out, though, that the lyrics are often at odds with the sexy, romantic vibe of the record. In the song "Vu de l'exterieur" he sings "you are beautiful on the outside...but on the inside you're not pretty, even a little disgusting," and he isn't speaking figuratively there. "Des vents, des pets, des poums," is all about the first line he says he's standing outside your door farting like a bellhop. There's a lot of scatological kind of humor but it's really great songwriting if you aren't easily offended. But if your girlfriend understands French I'd advise you to know her pretty well before you put it on.


Holy Warbles just bit the dust... excuse me as I wipe away the tears

Doug S.

My radio show tomorrow (9-noon, heard over WFMU's alt stream Give the Drummer Radio) is dedicated to Holy Warbles. Three hours of music found over the years at the hallowed garden of sound. The playlist will be here. You can hear it here (.pls file).


Just listened to your show. Wonderful! Thank you showing you care for the little guy... oops Holy Warbles is a giant in the blogosphere.


I am especially intrigued by Korean rock. Korean pop is quite interesting and I'll definitely try and listen to K rock this time.

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